Image Saver is a slide-show screen saver that will display up to 25 .bmp, .gif, .ico, .jpg, or .wmf personal images in each of ten different profiles for a total of 250 images. Intuitive interface. Ability to play .mdi, .rmi, and .wav sound files.
In order to continue developing inexpensive software, I need modest financial support from people who enjoy Computer Guys programs. Image Saver can be purchased for $11.95. If you have not purchased the program, you will see a "nag screen" each time you access the setup options. Payment can be sent to
Kevin Gunn
P.O. Box 442155
Lawrence KS 66044-8933
Be sure to include a postal address, an e-mail address and please specify which program you are ordering. As soon as I have received payment, I will send you a copy of Image Saver on CD that does not include the nag screen. Please allow two to four weeks for delivery.
Note: Compatibility issues with Windows 2000 have been fixed in the latest version.
Image Saver, v. 8.2, is a three megabyte compressed file. Please make
sure you use a decompression tool ("unzip" utility) designed
for Windows 95 or higher to extract the files from
or you will be unable to install the program. Read all documentation included
with the download for further installation details.
Copyright © 1997-2002 Kevin Gunn
P.O. Box 442155 · Lawrence KS 66044-8933 ·